What is DVS?
Written by VisionTrack
09 September 2024
Transport for London is changing HGV legislation in and around the city, taking effect from the 28th of October 2024.
The Direct Vision Standard (DVS) requires HGVs over 12 tonnes that are rated two stars or below to fit a new Progressive Safety System (PSS) to ensure compliance and support the improvement of safety for vulnerable road users.
A PSS system that meets the new laws requires both a Moving Off Information System (MOIS) and a Blind Spot Information System (BSIS). A MOIS is active at speeds below three miles-per-hour providing drivers and pedestrians alerts. The BSIS works under 18 miles per hour, alerting vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. When a vehicle is moving at a greater speed than the speeds mentioned above, telematics solutions can still record and upload footage to increase road safety.
Connected video telematics provider VisionTrack delayed the release of their DVS kits until TFL had finalised the new regulations, ensuring their offering is industry-compliant and tailored to the safety and ease of use of drivers. The MOIS and BSIS kits can be used in a stand-alone set-up or as an integrated telematics solution. Furthermore, the systems can be connected to VisionTrack’s Autonomise.AI IoT platform for advanced fleet management.
If you are unsure of your HGV’s DVS star rating, you can either check the TFL website contact form or contact us at sales@visiontrack.com and we will handle the necessary checks for you.
For more information see our DVS guide here or browse our DVS kits here.